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#1Ps3 Move - nova forma de jogar na Ps3.. Empty Ps3 Move - nova forma de jogar na Ps3.. - Sex 24 Set 2010 - 12:01

Mk pt

Mk pt
Como todos sabemos já saiu o Move para a Ps3..
Já tinha sido anunciado à 15 meses atrás e entretanto já está à venda o que se pode considerar a 'interpretação-Wiimote-da-Sony'..

Ps3 Move - nova forma de jogar na Ps3.. Tumblr_l45m70SWq41qahgq2

A engadget fez uma review ao Move que dá para perceber os prós e as falhas desta nova forma de controlar jogos na Ps3..
Vou deixar aqui algumas citações desta review:


To borrow a bit from our previous coverage, PlayStation Move is a motion controller system with sensors to detect the player's movements and translate them into gameplay. The primary remote is just about the size of the Nintendo Wii remote / attached MotionPlus combination. Where Move departs from the Wii is that while the Wii detects movement with its built-in accelerometers, pointing (with the sensor bar) or even detecting exact orientation (with the addition of MotionPlus), Move can be tracked precisely within real 3D space instead of just inferring relative movement based on your previous position. For gameplay, this means you'll be performing fewer of those cute little flicks Wii pros have become so fond of -- most gameplay motions require a full and complete movement on Move -- but it also means interesting things for augmented reality. Of course, for AR you need a camera, and lucky for Sony it has the PlayStation Eye already on the market. In fact, the Move system is partly based on what the Eye can detect of those cute colored balls at the end of each Move controller, which helps the PlayStation know how far away from the camera the controller is, and map, say, a tennis racket exactly to a user's hand.

The controller itself is really comfortable to hold, the contours resting perfectly in our hands. Every button is easy to reach, although the 45-degree counter clockwise twist of the command buttons did confuse us a bit initially. The Move controller's not just for games, either -- it can be used to navigate the top menu by holding down the T button to initiate movement and then tilting in the appropriate direction. Sensitivity can be adjusted, but we found the default to be very manageable. We've discussed lag before, and while it does vary from game to game with any controller (motion and otherwise), overall we can say there wasn't anything notably jarring -- although that said, we weren't playing anything as twitchy as a first-person shooter.

Though not part of any of the bundles, Sony's also releasing a companion Navigation Controller (also wireless) that you'll be able to wield with your off hand for more traditional analog controls. It's got a joystick in the standard position, a directional pad just underneath, as well as additional 'X' and 'O' buttons (generally used as "accept" and "cancel" in most games). Below that is another XMB menu button, and on the underside are L1 and L2 trigger. [...]

Sports Champions

This is the Move's flagship title -- its "Wii Sports," if you will, and in more ways than one. Sports Champions is a collection of titles aimed at showcasing the controller's potential, culled largely from tech demos we've seen since its initial unveil. We're looking at six sports in all: Disc Golf, Gladiator Duel, Beach Volleyball, Archery, Table Tennis, and Bocce. Each sub-game requires a quick calibration before beginning, whereby you stand in the appropriate spot (denoted by brackets overlaying the Eye's visual monitor) and hold the controller at shoulder level, down at your side, and then in front of your belt buckle -- or the general area where one might be. Even if you're using two motion controllers at once (more on that later), only the dominant hand is used for calibration. The process takes seconds, so despite doing it before every single game, it never really bothered us to have to repeat.
If we had to compare this to the similar motion-centric bundles being offered by the competition -- Wii Sports, Sports Resort, and the still-in-development Kinect Sports -- right now we'd rank this pretty high on the list. Every title felt like something worth multiple playthroughs, and we'll admit, the HD visuals did feel like a value-add. It's a pretty fun title for playing with you friends, and additionally, provides a pretty good showcase for Move's capabilities.



"Exactly as with EyeToy in the PS2 days, it's a product that needs to be sampled. You need to get your hands on it. You need to understand it. You need to try it." So says SCE's Senior VP Ray Maguire. And it's true; motion controls are nothing new in the games industry, but PlayStation has really learned from its competitors and delivered a compelling and entertaining experience complemented by the hardware's ability to push HD visuals. But like its rival, the success is going to be largely dependent upon the games that support it. What we've seen so far is very promising, but whether or not the $100+ cost of entry will dissuade one too many customers remains to be seen. The traditional console cycle seems to have been eschewed by all players in favor of new methods of interactions. It's shaping up to be one of the most interesting eras in the history o console gaming, and make no mistake, Sony's got all the right ingredients here.

The Good
- Generally more accurate than Wii
- Augmented reality potential
- Sports Champions a compelling bundled title

The Bad
- Cost of entry might dissuade some
- No "must-have" title at launch
- Traditional controls still more precise

Apenas fiz um apanhado do mais importante. Para lerem o resto da review cliquem aqui: PlayStation Move review..

Alguns aspectos importantes:
- O sistema funciona com a câmara a captar a posição e movimento do Move, através da cor da 'bola'.. Sendo que a 'bola' adquire uma cor diferente de qualquer outra no ambiente captado pela câmara, para melhor percepção dos movimentos e não haver 'confusão' com cores iguais noutros objectos]..
- Há o move e o comando de navegação . Um dualshock/sixaxis também funciona, mas obviamente não dá jeito ter o Move numa mão e o comando noutra pelo que recomenda-se o comando de navegação.
- Normalmente os jogos funcionam apenas com um Move, mas há jogos que para funcionarem bem requerem dois Move por jogador..
- Não mencionei no quote da review, mas vai haver vários tipos de jogos para o Move, desde os mais casuais e para jogar com família e amigos como o Sporsts Champions, mas também de outros estilos [fps, rpg,...], como por exemplo o SOCOM 4, Killzone 3, Tiger Woods 2011,... Parte da vaga inicial de jogos é da responsabilidade Sony, mas espera-se que outras produtoras de jogos adiram ao novo sistema de controlo..

Agora uns vídeos:

Playstation Move @ Engadget Show

PlayStation Move Demo: SOCOM 4

Killzone 3 and PlayStation Move: Gameplay

Os preços cá em Portugal:
- PlayStation Move - Comando de Movimento: 39.99€
- PlayStation Move - Comando de Navegação: 29.99€
- PlayStation Move - Starter Pack: 59.99€ -> incluí Playstation Eye [câmara], Playstation Move - Comando de Movimentos e Blu Ray com demos]

Há ainda dois pack's de consola + Move:
- PlayStation 3 Slim - 320GB + PlayStation Move - Starter Pack PS3 + 2 Jogos PlayStation Move: 399.99€
- PlayStation 3 Slim - 320GB + PlayStation Move - Starter Pack PS3: 349.99€

Atenção: para se jogar é necessário a câmara Playstation Eye, quem não tiver a câmara tem que o 'pack' com a câmara [ou então comprar a câmara à parte], que já a tiver não necessita da câmara, obviamente.

Na minha opinião pessoal, para um jogador apenas o ideal é dois comandos de movimentos e um comando de navegação, para dois jogadores o ideal era quatro comandos de movimento mais 2 comandos de navegação, mas isso é muitos... €€€... pelo que o mínimo que julgo conveniente é 3 comandos de movimentos e um comando de navegação [dependendo dos jogos um segundo comando de navegação também deve dar jeito]...

Comentem sobre esta nova forma de jogar PS3... Smile

Eu até comprava isto, mas não sei se o uso que lhe iria dar se justifica. E depois não ando agradado com a Sony e as políticas para com a PS3.. Paguei uma consola 'completa' e já me foram retiradas funcionalidades [linuxOS], isto é conversa para outro tópicos, mas em todo o caso é só para referir que investimento na Ps3 agora provavelmente só no GT5, FF XIV Versus e eventualmente num MGS que venha a sair..

#2Ps3 Move - nova forma de jogar na Ps3.. Empty Re: Ps3 Move - nova forma de jogar na Ps3.. - Sex 24 Set 2010 - 12:13


Pessoalmente continuo a preferir o comando tradicional... Razz

para mim, isto não passa de uma imitação da Wii. Agora falta saber se melhor ou pior do que esta...


Ps3 Move - nova forma de jogar na Ps3.. Tugatechuserbar
Ps3 Move - nova forma de jogar na Ps3.. 3
Ps3 Move - nova forma de jogar na Ps3.. 2
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